Former military doctor, traditional healer and business consultant Alexander Litvin made a statement on the situation with the Chinese coronavirus, reports.
“In December 2018, I warned of the dangers of an epidemic and even a pandemic.
Unfortunately, my forecast is currently being fully implemented. The unfavorable epidemiological situation in the People's Republic of China caused by the coronavirus poses a serious threat to the health and life of citizens of the Northern Hemisphere.
The epidemic arose in November 2019, its spread was latent. The initial error in diagnosis and treatment exacerbated the situation.
Due to the fact that some of the Chinese are actively traveling around the world, the threat of spreading a dangerous infection is extremely high. The only protection is total hygiene and mechanical protection against the virus. I do not want to scare anyone, but it’s better to be vigilant once again in relation to myself and others. The best decoration now is a medical mask. Do not be afraid of people in a mask, be afraid of people without a mask! ”, Alexander notes.